Syllabus for GE 204se
Statics for NCIAE


Course description

This course is offered in partnership with the North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering (NCIAE). Professor Xu Jingman (NCIAE) is the primary instructor and Dr. Rico Picone is visiting NCIAE for three weeks to instruct a portion of the course.

The following is the course description from the SMU catalog. Course represents the transition from theoretical studies of forces and equilibrium, as studied in physics, to applied science. The equilibrium of a particle when acted upon by a system of forces and the equilibrium of bodies in two and three dimensions are studied. Also covers equilibrium considerations for the design of trusses and machines, effects of friction on equilibrium and calculations of centroids and center of gravity.

General information

weekdays 8–9:50
GE 204 Website



(RW) Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Elliot R. Eisenberg. Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics. Seventh Edition. McGraw-Hill.


Partial notes will be posted, below. I will let everyone know via WeChat when each lecture is ready to be printed. Please print each set of lecture notes before class and bring it. There are fill-ins and such.


The following schedule is tentative.

meeting topics introduced reading assignment due
introduction to: rigid body motion in space, degrees of freedom, couples, moment of a force, moment about an axis
moment of a force about a point, examples 4.1-4.4
moment of a force about an axis, examples 4.5 Assignment #1
resultant forces and moments, 3D moments, examples 4.6, 4.7
distributed loading, examples 4.8, 4.9 Assignment #2
introduction to equilibrium of a rigid body, conditions for equilibrium, free-body diagrams, examples 5.1, 5.2
equilibrium equations in 2D, examples 5.3, 5.4
two-force members, 3D equilibrium equations, examples 5.5, 5.6 Assignment #3
statical determinacy, examples 5.7
introduction to structures, trusses and frames, method of joints, examples 6.1, 6.2 Assignment #4
method of sections, examples 6.3, 6.4 Assignment #5
frames and machines, examples 6.5, 6.6
introduction to dry friction, examples 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 Assignment #6
final examination
final examination review


Assignment #1

Assignment #2

Assignment #3

Assignment #4

Assignment #5

Assignment #6

Video lectures

Some video recordings of my lectures will be available on YouKu, with links, below.


The WeChat group for the course is called Statics-SMU@NCIAE and has the following QR code.

English/Chinese technical terminology equivalents

Below is a list of some useful terminological equivalents. Thank you Dr. Xu Jingman and Benjamin.
