Syllabus for ME 302 — Machine Design

Spring 2015

Course description

This course covers theoretical and practical design of machine parts and simple systems. Includes the integration of the basic engineering disciplines necessary for proper analysis, synthesis and design of structures, simple machines or processes, including screws, springs, bearings and gearing. Establishment of design criteria based on stress and fatigue analysis and on experimental results, statistical considerations, materials, steady and variable loading. (Adapted from the course catalog.)

General information

Rico Picone, PhD
Instructor Email
rpicone (at) stmartin (dot) edu
Office Hours
MWF 10 am–11 am, Cebula 103C
Office Hours
MW 1 pm–2 pm, Cebula 103C
Harned 110
MWF 10:00–10:50 am
ME 302 Website
ME 302 Moodle


Richard Budynas and Keith Nisbett. Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design. 10th Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2014.


Partial notes will be posted here.


The course's final project will be a joint project with the course Parametric Solid Modeling. The details of the project can be found here.


The following schedule is tentative.

week topics introduced reading assignment due
design, stress, strength, design factor, factor of safety, tolerance, reliability Ch 1 Assignment #1
materials Ch 2 Assignment #2
load and stress analysis Ch 3 Assignment #3
deflection and stiffness Ch 4 Assignment #4
static loading failures Ch 5 Assignment #5
static loading failures Assignment #6
dynamic loading fatigue failure Ch 6 Assignment #7
dynamic loading fatigue failure Assignment #8
Midterm Exam
shafts and shaft components Ch 7 Assignment #9
screws, fasteners, and the design of nonpermanent joints Ch 8 Assignment #10
welding, bonding, and the design of permanent joints Ch 9 Assignment #11
mechanical springs Ch 10 Assignment #12
rolling-contact bearings Ch 11 Assignment #13
gears 12 Assignment #14
power transmission study case Ch 18 Assignment #15
finals week Final Exam


Assignment #1

  1. Read Chapter 1 of the textbook.
  2. Read the Introduction and Part I of The Vignelli Canon.
  3. Take the weekly homework quiz.

Assignment #2

  1. Do the assigned reading.
  2. Homework problems 2-6, 2-9, 2-12, 2-20, and 2-26.
  3. Take the weekly homework quiz.

Assignment #3

  1. Do the assigned reading.
  2. Homework problems 3-5, 3-7, 3-18, 3-23, 3-26, 3-36, 3-48, 3-64, and 3-70.
  3. Take the weekly homework quiz.

Assignment #4

  1. Do the assigned reading.
  2. Homework problems 4-18, 4-19, 4-42, 4-46, 4-90, 4-101 (use any procedure), and 4-106.
  3. Take the weekly homework quiz.

Assignment #5

  1. Do the assigned reading.
  2. Homework problems 5-3, 5-7 (check the factor of safety with the equation), 5-11 (check the factor of safety with the equation), 5-38, and 5-59 (hint: check out Section 3-15 of the text).
  3. Take the weekly homework quiz.

Assignment #6

  1. Do the assigned reading.
  2. Homework problems 5-14, 5-18, 5-22, 5-25, and 5-49.
  3. Take the weekly homework quiz.

Assignment #7

  1. Do the assigned reading.
  2. Homework problems 6-2, 6-4, 6-10, 6-13, 6-19, 6-25, and 6-27.

Assignment #8

  1. Do the assigned reading.
  2. Homework problems 7-2, 7-3, 7-18, and 7-26.
  3. Take the weekly homework quiz.

Assignment #9

  1. Do the assigned reading.
  2. TBA
  3. Take the weekly homework quiz.

Assignment #10

  1. Do the assigned reading.
  2. TBA
  3. Take the weekly homework quiz.

Assignment #11

  1. Do the assigned reading.
  2. TBA
  3. Take the weekly homework quiz.

Assignment #12

  1. Do the assigned reading.
  2. TBA
  3. Take the weekly homework quiz.

Assignment #13

  1. Do the assigned reading.
  2. TBA
  3. Take the weekly homework quiz.


Class resources will be posted here throughout the semester.

Homework, quiz, & exam policies

Homework & homework quiz policies

Weekly homework will be “due” on Fridays, but it will not be turned in for credit. However — and this is very important — each week a quiz will be given that will cover that week’s homework.

Quizzes will be available on moodle each week (as early as I can get them up), and must be completed by Sunday (before midnight). Late quizzes will receive no credit. Multiple attempts may be made on the quizzes (you will receive your mean grade).

Working in groups on homework is strongly encouraged, but quizzes must be completed individually.

Exam policies

The midterm and final exams will be in-class. If you require any specific accommodations, please contact me.

Calculators will be allowed. Only ones own notes and the notes provided by the instructor will be allowed. No communication-devices will be allowed.

No exam may be taken early. Makeup exams require a doctor’s note excusing the absence during the exam.

The final exam will be cumulative.

Grading policies

Total grades in the course may be curved, but individual homework quizzes and exams will not be. They will be available on moodle throughout the semester.

Homework quizzes
Midterm Exam
Final Exam

Academic integrity policy

Cheating or plagiarism of any kind is not tolerated and will result in a failing grade (“F”) in the course. I take this very seriously. Engineering is an academic and professional discipline that requires integrity. I expect students to consider their integrity of conduct to be their highest consideration with regard to the course material.

Correlation of course & program outcomes

In keeping with the standards of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, each course is evaluated in terms of its desired outcomes and how these support the desired program outcomes. The following sections document the evaluation of this course.

Desired course outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the following course outcomes are desired:
  1. students will understand the design process;
  2. students will have experience working in teams on design problems;
  3. students will understand stress and strength analysis;
  4. students will understand material properties;
  5. students will understand static and dynamic loading failures;
  6. students will understand how to design with shafts and shaft components;
  7. students will understand how to design with screws, fasteners, and other nonpermanent joints;
  8. students will understand how to design with welding, bonding, and other permanent joints;
  9. students will understand how to design with mechanical springs;
  10. students will understand how to design with shafts and shaft components;
  11. students will understand how to design with bearings; and
  12. students will understand how to design with gears.

Desired program outcomes

The desired program outcomes are that mechanical engineering graduates have:
  1. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering;
  2. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;
  3. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs;
  4. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams;
  5. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems;
  6. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;
  7. an ability to communicate effectively;
  8. the broad education necessary to understanding the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context;
  9. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning;
  10. a knowledge of contemporary issues; and
  11. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

Correlation of outcomes

The following table correlates the desired course outcomes with the desired program outcomes they support.
desired program outcomes
desired course outcomes